Did you know that your journey into this world could reveal different aspects of your personality? It’s not completely random that you may have given your mom a difficult time during birth or that you allowed her a smooth and easy pregnancy. All of these elements play a part in how you navigate the world today and your overall character. In this article, I will break down how your time of birth, due date, body position, and difficulty level can explain different qualities about yourself, which can help identify who you are from the very beginning.
Exceptions can be made for individuals who experience complications during pregnancy and birth due to health issues or other outside factors.
Here is the breakdown:
- Your Due Date:
The date you are supposed to be born is based on the first day of your mom’s last menstrual cycle plus 40 weeks. This is usually accurate for most babies and can determine a specific time frame in which you will arrive in this world, with the exception of certain complications and circumstances.
Depending on how early or late you enter the world relative to your approximate due date, you might exhibit traits of eagerness or lack thereof in this lifetime. For instance, people born on their exact due date can exhibit traits of punctuality and good time management. These individuals will most likely dislike having their time wasted and will usually be very dependable and timely for events, work, appointments, meetups, etc. Tardiness from these individuals could be due to situations beyond their control or a lack of importance to them.
On the other hand, individuals born days, weeks, or months early can exhibit traits of eagerness to have things done their way and on their own time. These people might display habits of impatience or restlessness when things are not done according to their preferences. They may sometimes be in a rush to grow up quickly or advance faster than expected.
Individuals born much later than their due date can show a disregard for time, preferring to do things when they want rather than when they should be done. Tardiness for them is no big deal, and they can sometimes come off as inconsiderate because of this trait.
- Time of Birth:
The time of day or night you enter this world can determine how well you will function during those hours. Children born early in the day will most likely prefer the morning hours to be the most productive, while children born later in the day or night may be late bloomers and function better in the evening.
The same can be true for when the child is most active in the womb. Paying attention to the time of day the child is most alert in your belly will give you insight into their natural sleep schedule when they arrive. This schedule can be adjusted once a routine is established for them.
- Birth Position:
The natural birth position for a child is head-first. Babies usually turn their heads down weeks before their 40-week timeline. If your baby is born feet-first or butt-first, which is known as a breech birth, it could indicate a stubbornness to follow the natural order. They might choose to do things the harder way in life and can sometimes self-sabotage. They may have a strong desire to succeed and often make many mistakes before getting it right, but ultimately they will succeed.
- Mood During Pregnancy:
Many people believe that the mood you are in during pregnancy will determine your baby’s mood. This is quite the opposite. It is your baby’s mood that will determine your mood during pregnancy, with the exception of external situations. If you are moody because life is hard or stressful during your pregnancy, that should not be attributed to the baby’s mood. However, if you are exceptionally moody, happy, or sad without external contributors, this could reflect your baby’s attitude or mood.
- Difficulty During Birth:
Having a difficult or easy birth can reflect the child’s mannerisms as they develop. An easy birth, where the child comes out with little to no assistance, could symbolize their independence or self-sufficiency in life. Conversely, a child who keeps you in labor for hours, even with issues like a wrapped umbilical cord, could exhibit traits of being problematic, challenging, or codependent.
It is actually very common for the umbilical cord to be wrapped around a baby’s neck. If your child is born with the umbilical cord wrapped tightly around their neck, it might indicate that the baby wants to stay closely connected to their mom or is not yet ready or is fearful of entering the world. These individuals may experience many hardships in their lives and develop anger issues because of them. However, they will often overcome these hardships due to their high level of determination to prevail.
In conclusion:
The circumstances of your birth can offer intriguing insights into various aspects of your personality and behavior. From the timing of your arrival to your birth position and the ease or difficulty of the process, each element provides clues about your character and how you interact with the world. While these traits are not absolute and can be influenced by numerous factors, understanding these patterns can offer a deeper appreciation of how your early experiences shape your life. Recognizing these connections might help you gain a greater understanding of yourself and others, fostering empathy and personal growth. Remember, while the details of your birth can be insightful, they are just one part of a much larger picture that defines who you are.
Share your own birth experiences in the comments below and see how they match your personality traits!